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Let's know what mistakes students in India make in their college life.

Of the 30 million people in our country, 30 million are young. And everyone knows the importance of education. But why don't those curriculum studies help them when they go for jobs, let's learn ...

Students are stuck in the curriculum, they have no emphasis on learning some skills and it is the fault of some universities in India that they do not give their children the education they want.

• Students in India are turning to entertainment. On YouTube, Facebook they just pass the timepiece by watching entertainment, so the time left for them to learn some useful things is gone.

• Being dependent on parents is the biggest problem for us when we get a job. We adopt the English language but not the culture, because most of the kids start earning from their college and they learn to take responsibility and earn billions because they have a lot of money-making experience. Comes soon

• Linking education to jobs is spreading superstitiously in India. If you do not find a good job, you should have a self startup. So if the church is making these mistakes, give up today, otherwise you will regret it after five years. So let's get on to learning new things .... let's meet in the next post.

"Education is not just about getting you a job .... So education is a way to make money for yourself even if you don't have a job".

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